• Can Pets Get Food Poisoning?

    Food poisoning could be the reason for your pet's sudden illness.

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  • Could Your Cat Have a Neurological Disorder?

    One of these neurological disorders could be to blame for your cat's unusual behavior.

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  • How to Make Your Rescue Pet Feel Comfortable in Your Home

    Planning to welcome a new dog? These suggestions will help your rescue pet adjust to a new home.

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  • Health Problems Common in Large Dogs

    Do you know what health problems your large dog could develop?

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  • Does Your Pet Have an Abscess?

    Could that lump on your pet's body be caused by an abscess?

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  • The Do’s and Don'ts of Pet Summer Safety

    Do you know how to keep your pet safe this summer?

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  • The Most Common Vaccinations for Your Cat and Dog

    Do you know what vaccines your cat or dog needs?

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  • Preparing for Your Kitten’s Developmental Milestones

    Need to hone in on your kitten knowledge? Check out the milestones your new pet will reach during its first year.

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  • What Is Ataxia in Dogs?

    Could balance or gait issues mean your dog has ataxia?

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  • Fish

    If you’re thinking of getting a pet fish, you should know that your veterinarian has a lot of good advice about pet ownership. Fish can be very rewarding as pets, and you just may be surprised about how much fish actually interact with their owners. Here’s more valuable information about choosing

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  • Sugar Gliders

    Thinking of getting a sugar glider? These tiny marsupials are energetic and friendly, making them popular choices as pets. Though they weigh less than a half-pound, they're more closely related to kangaroos than they are flying squirrels. If you think a sugar glider would make an ideal pet for your family,

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  • Pigs

    Did you know that pigs are a lot cleaner than the reputation they have? While they do roll around in the mud, this keeps them cool. They're actually one of the cleanest animals. They, however, require care, just like any animal. Before you take on more than you can handle, you should educate yourself

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  • Goats

    Maybe, you've heard that goats will basically eat anything they can put in their mouth. This might give you the impression that they're simple animals to take care of, but this isn't the case. Goats need proper nutrition and enough space, among other things, to grow strong and healthy. Therefore, before

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  • Donkeys, Horses & Mules

    There are many benefits to owning a donkey, horse, or mule. However, it is important to know that these animals (all belonging to the sub-family called equus) require special housing, feeding, and care for a healthy life. Here are a few important considerations to make before bringing a new animal home. Housing

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  • Cows

    Are you thinking about getting a cow? Before you do, there are a few considerations you need to make. These large and gentle animals need a considerable amount of space, have special dietary needs, and have certain health needs you’ll have to pay attention to. Plus, they can live for up to twenty-five

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  • Sheep

    Sheep are adorable with their naturally wooly coats. With all that wool comes responsibility, though. If you're considering raising sheep, you should know what it entails to take care of them. That way, you're prepared for their arrival and aren't overwhelmed after you adopt them. Housing What type

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